Our History

The Early Years...

In 1836, Colonel William Lindsey, Commander of the Alabama Volunteers, was wounded by an Indian's arrow near a lake in what is now Hernando County.  Lake Lindsey is named after him and has been the site of Eden Baptist Church since its inception.


     In 1845, the same year Florida was adopted as the 27th state, a Baptist church was constituted  at Lake Lindsey and Jeremiah Hayman was chosen as its first clerk.  He was also ordained as a Deacon.


A History of Preaching and Service...

Throughout the years, there have been many pastors and many more faithful parishioners.  God has brought our church through hurricanes, tornados, and fires.

Through it all God has remained faithful to his people and continues to bless us each day. 


     Rev. J.D. Bowen came in 1947 as the first pastor to minister exclusively at Eden.  At that time, the membership was 147 people.  Many accomplishments were realized under his pastoral leadership such as an educational building, a new sanctuary, and a parsonage. What was dreamed by J.D. Bowen was finished and became realities under Rev. C.E. Simpkins in 1958.


     Eden Christian School began in 1973 and is the longest running Christian school in Hernando County.  Visit the school's page for information about the services it offers.  


Towards an Inheritance that is Imperishable...

Today our church is led by Zeb Bishop.  He is born and raised in Florida. His wife Crystal is a teacher and serves right along side of him.  Although many things have changed since 1845, some things haven't: Jesus Christ is still Lord and He continues to be preached as Son of God, Savior, Redeemer, Lord, and Creator.  


     There are a variety of ways God is using our church in the community and beyond.  We invite you to join us for Sunday morning worship or to get involved with one of our exciting ministries.

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